Making of (2007)
This scene was made for a Film Noir contest. I also wanted to create a colored version for my portfolio. I worked on this scene with another designer named Jlea. The next image is his contribution to the project before he handed it off to me to finish.
His original layout inspired me to create a Bioshock type environment. Here is my reference picture that I put together to help generate ideas.
I used 3ds max to prototype ideas for the wall fixtures and used Photoshop to temp in some light colors and text.
Below are some textures (diffuse and normal maps) I created, along with a “Proof of Concept” map which I used to help me nail down the theme of the room.
Once the majority of the art was placed, I asked my friend, Ilya, for some suggestions. He sent me back a quick paint over which helped to spark ideas for the final image.
After adding all the models I went back and created a special volumetric light model for the fish tank. Here are the final images of the map in color.